來檔需知 - File requirements
- • 檔案需是清晰JPEG / PDF /AI 檔
- • JPEG 檔色彩色彩模式必須為CMYK,(不設RGB或其他模式顏色印刷)
- • 檔案內必須含有2-3mm的出血位,如沒有出血位,成品將有機會細於所需要尺寸。
- • 檔案內所有的文字必須建立外框(轉曲)及清除所以多餘的文字雜點或圖層。
- • 檔案尺寸需自行調教好所需要的正確成品尺寸。
- • 字型及線條的粗幼度必須為0.2mm以上才可以印出,而且字型大小不可少於6pt,否則會印不出來
- • 檔案內所有色塊的色值不可以低於10%,透明度不可少於20%,否則顏色會因太淺而無法印出。
- • 數碼印刷只可印刷CMYK,金色/銀色/白色將無法於印刷後呈現。
- • 顏色基於印刷色,顯示屏顏色只供參考,不能作準。
- • 數碼印刷及柯式印刷顏色或細緻程度均有差異。
- • The file must be a high resolution of JPEG / PDF /AI format.
- • The color mode of JPEG files must be CMYK (Do not have RGB or other mode color printing)
- • The file must be include a 2-3mm bleeding area. If there is no bleeding , the finished product will be little bit than the required size.
- • All text in the file must be outlined (transformed) and all redundant text noise or layers must be removed.
- • The file size needs to be adjusted by yourself to the correct finished product size required.
- • The thickness of the font and line must be 0.2mm or more before it can be printed, and the font size must not be less than 6pt, otherwise it will not be printed.
- • The color value of all color blocks in the file must not be less than 10%, and the transparency must not be less than 20%, otherwise the color will be too light to be printed.
- • Digital printing only can print CMYK, gold/silver/white will not appear after printing.
- • Color production is based on the printing colors.The display on screen may not be accurate.
- • Digital printing and offset printing color or degree of detail were different.

裁切需知 - Cutting requirements
- • 下圖中的卡片設計稿較容易在印刷過程中出現裁切問題,比如裁切出來的四周邊框的不對稱,亦有可能一邊大一邊小。
- • 數量多於10張或以上都是以合版印刷。合版印刷是將同一款/多於一款稿拼合在一張大紙上,再統一進行印刷。印刷後,將該批紙放入裁切機進行裁切。
- • 裁切時,只就一方向進行裁切,如印刷時出現有偏差,不對稱現象就會更明顯。(客人須接受印刷技術上無法避免的1-2mm誤差。)
- • 如設計稿上附邊框、花紋或者是兩邊有對稱的線條、邊條和圖案等,請必須在設計花邊或邊框時,讓花邊或者邊框至少約有5mm左右的寬度,以盡量減少偏差問題,但成品仍然有機會出現四邊不均現象。
- • 如設計檔雙面設計都帶有邊框,偏差現象亦會同時於雙面上出現。
- • The card design draft in the picture below will have a cutting problem during the production process, the sides will be asymmetrical after cutting.
- • 10 or more prints are all printed in one combination. It means combine one or more draff in the same draff to print together . It will cut by cutting machine after printing
- • Only one direction will be snapped for cutting. If there is a deviation during printing, the asymmetry will be more obvious. (Guests must accept 1-2mm size difference that cannot be avoided in printing technology.
- • If there is a frame design on the draft or symmetrical lines and patterns on both sides, please design the frame with a width of at least 5mm to minimize the deviation problem, but the finished product may still have uneven four sides.
- • If the draft has a frame design in double-sided, the deviation problem will also occur at the same time.

印刷顏色需知 - Color requirements
- • 尤其在RGB轉成CMYK時更容易產生色差色值變化,導致印刷成品與想像的不同。
- • 使用漸層效果時顏色必須為CMYK,不能使用不同色域或RGB的色彩模式,也不可以同時使用在同一個漸層填色裡,會產生非常嚴重的色差。
- • RGB色彩經打印後會出現絕對的色差,如下列邊圖中的綠色為熒光色,經打印處理後綠色會變得深及暗淡。
- • Do not use rich black , it will be color difference after printing. (If you need black color, please adjust the K on the CMYK value)
- • When designing the manuscript, if the total value of the four colors exceeds 200%, it is easy to cause the ink to be difficult to dry and cause ghosting after printing.
- • It is easier to be color difference and color value changes when RGB is converted to CMYK.
- • Colors must be CMYK mode when using gradient effects, cannot use different gamut or RGB mode and cannot be used in the same gradient fill at the same time, it will cause color difference.
- • RGB colors will have color difference after printing. For example, the green in the following picture is a fluorescent color. After printing, the green will become darker and darker.